Piano & Providence

This morning (Saturday) when I went out, it was all quiet. There’s no rushing for work, the rest of the family were still in their rooms. I see standing at one side of the room, the piano. And suddenly my mind rushed back to many years ago.

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Today is Presidential Election day for Singapore, and my second time to cast my vote as citizen of Singapore. It is a mixed feeling over the past one month with the so many things happened around the world, at workplace, in our family, as well as my own personal journey.

I look with gratitude to God for this small size nation that has advanced so much in many aspects. I have said before and confirm it again by saying this country is small, but it is so advanced, smart, and well built. In many areas, I can be proud of Singapore. I see the strong spirit of the young, the energy of working class, and the fast movements; this place has a lot of energy, and I like this sense of being alive. It is good to be alive and active. It is not good to be alive and being sluggish and without motivation.

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God Knows Our Hearts

As parents, we think a lot for our children. Often we struggle because we don’t know the future, and we don’t know what will be best. Who do we listen to?

This afternoon, I decided to bring the girls to see doctor. Because they started not feeling well on Monday, and today on Friday, they are still sick and do not seem getting well sooner. Just to bring them seeing doctor, but already I made a couple of many other decisions; like what time to go (avoiding peak times), then what time is lunch, where do we eat our lunch, how many hours should I take leave from work, how could I still being responsible and do my work, etc.

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Life is so difficult

I saw my wife’s pjamas on the bed, and I remembered a good friend’s post that he kept his mum’s clothes unwashed for many many days. The bond of endearment that goes beyond words. I wish she could be here with me.

With so many new challenges we face, my wife & I often wonder why life is so difficult? We know life is difficult, but we never thought it’s this difficult.

And I’m stirred with another friend’s post of a child quotation of Psalm 23:1,”the Lord is my shepherd, what else do you want?” It is very funny, yet very true. This year 2023, it’s my guiding passage for the year. Somehow, with the circumtance and situations that we were in, this passage just shines so beautifully.

This month, I was meditating on verse 5,”YOU prepare a table before me, in the presence of my enemies.” How lavish is His love. He does not only providing for all I need. He does protect me even in the most dangerous path of my journey. Even at the face of death, I am cared by my Shepherd. And now, as if all those things are not enough, He shows His love elevating me in the presence of the enemy.

I am so grateful for my Savior’s love and my Redeemer. This song speaks so closely how I feel,”Goodness of God.” As I was singing it, I realised how the struggles and “fires” have made my appreciation more mature.

One day when I see my Savior, I would say thank you so much for loving me. All the difficulties I go through, points to His great love and faithfulness. That His Word is true, even when put to the test, no matter how impossible they look like. Do I dare to believe it 100%? A little child will.

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Chinese New Year Revelation

This year is special in many ways. We had a Chinese New Year reunion after so many years. We had house visits and met up with relatives we had not seen for years. After so many years been away, it’s good and special in many ways. The old memories came back to me, the road I used to walk, the bus stop that I spent time waiting for bus, the housing that stood up tall, the people that I greeted. These seem like just yesterday, while actually more than 20 years had passed.

However, this New Year, God opened my eyes to see something I’ve never realized before. I saw the brokeness of life under the heaven. Health challenges, education challenges, relationship challenges, in between the lines of achievements and progress. Some challenges are more obvious than others. And I learned this truth from a friend, “a challenge or difficulties need not be problems or issues.” However, we see challenges as issues, and miss out the real matters that is the heart of the issues.

As an example, a health challenge (they are many as we grow older), is hard, difficult, and painful, not to mention they’re costly too. Often times, we are helpless in face such big challenge. Through the passing of times, without we realized, our hearts were shifted. We lost the perspective, the touch, love for loved ones, in the midst of the storm. So which one is a bigger problem, the lost of health or the lost of love?

As I look into my own family, I must admit that I made the same mistake through the years. The prolonged health issues, or educational challenges, or financial struggles had a way to change my hearts. If I don’t change course, the small deviation will lead me to a different destination. What is the biggest lost?

I thank God that He reminded me what is the biggest problem of all. He sent His Son to die on the cross to solve our human biggest problem. So our other problems could be overcome in Him. There is victory in Christ. Challenges may persist, but we’ve an overcomer Spirit. Through all the challenges of lives, a loving husband, a caring father, a thoughtful leader, a kind person, an aroma of Christ must show that He has dealt with the biggest and most important challenges we all face.

May His Spirit enable us with His divine power once again to be His witnesses, that He has overcome all greatest problems, and draw all men and women to Himself. Once the problem of sin is dealt with, we accept, how broken ourselves and this world, and bow to His solution of Jesus died on the cross. In the midst of all challenges, we carry ourselves with Wisdom from above and pointing others to a better solution than what this world offer (but do not solve the problem of the heart and hence all other problems, having appearance of godliness but no power whatsoever).

One easy test to see how well we’re doing; for CNY, with all the festivities and celebrations, how much strifes or peace do we experience within our hearts and families? From morning to night and the days to follow, are our tones filled with love or contempt? Out of our hearts flow the spring of life. May you Lord change our hearts within, in the face of challenges, love might flow, so the glory of Christ in midst of our pains. Come Lord Jesus.

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Uncommon Benediction

Of the so many years I attended service (easily 23 years * 52 weeks = 1200 times), this the first time I heard the following benediction:

May God the Father prepare your journey,

Jesus the Son guide your footsteps,

The Spirit of Life strengthen your body.

The Three in One watch over you on every road that you may be fallen.


I do not know where the minister got this from, as I search around, I couldn’t find the origin. Nevertheless, when I heard this, I felt as if he was giving it specifically for us. For we were about to take the big scary journey we had to take.

Thank you Xi Ann. Thank you Lord for such blessing on our big trip.

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Lessons from God’s Word (Psalm)

The last one week, I’ve been meditating on Psalm 106, and am very surprised with the so many lessons that I learnt. Below some of the lessons that I could remember:

When our ancestors were in Egypt,
    they gave no thought to your miracles;
they did not remember your many kindnesses,
    and they rebelled by the sea, the Red Sea. (v. 7)

It is something new to me. We used to tell our children the 10 Plagues God sent to Egypt, and then the Passover. That’s the story of Exodus, where God led the Israelites out of Egypt by Moses and Aaron.

But here in Psalm 106, God is showing us what went on in the hearts and minds of the Israelites. They all saw the miracles, but they gave no thought at all. It’s so scary to think we are capable of seeing such great things happened among us, and gave no thought. I shudder to think we are capable of such hardening of hearts.

They exchanged their glorious God
    for an image of a bull, which eats grass. (v.20)

Again another shocking revelation to me, that we’re capable of doing such great depravity with our eyes open. I believe every religious person would agree that God is a Supreme being that Greater than anything. Yet, with the same breath, many religious person would make an image of his/her God. How can it be?

Do we then fall into the same folly?

So he said he would destroy them—
    had not Moses, his chosen one,
stood in the breach before him
    to keep his wrath from destroying them. (v.23)
But Phinehas stood up and intervened,
    and the plague was checked. (v.30)

There is this pattern of righteous person who stood up before God and stopped God’s wrath.

Left on their own, their doom is guaranteed. For God is a Just God, and He would destroy those who rebels against Him. Yet again and again, Israel’s were spared because someone stood before God to appeal for His mercy.

So in the cycle of man’s sin & God’s righteous punishment, there’s place for intercession. Whenever there are wrongs (which I think all the time), and God’s angered being poured down (there’re times God witholding His anger and times when He pours His anger), stands in the middle is the intercessory role.

I see that as an invitation for us to stand up. Stand up among sinful people and stand up before God. A double position which extremely hard. Yet times and again, we must acknowledge there’s such place & time, because human’s nature & God’s nature.

When we see depravities of men escalates, it’s opportunity to stand up for God (declaring His righteousness against all corruptions), and stand up before God.

I pray for the Manly Seven who stood up for their faith against the pressure to adopt the values of this world. May the Lord keep their life to shine bright for Him and silent those who speak evil against them.

This was credited to him as righteousness
    for endless generations to come. (v.31)

make their descendants fall among the nations
    and scatter them throughout the lands. (v.27)

God is a Righteous Judge, and hence He punishes the wrongs and rewards the rights. Be assured that our righteousness would be credited into our account, and blessings to our descendants. Both sides, God’s wrath sometimes go down to generations of people that hate Him, and His love to generations of people that love Him.

Therefore our choices today matters. They affect not only ourselves, but our children’s children, be it good or bad.

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Thoughts from Dreamy Land

The last 4 weeks were probably the peak & highlight for our family this year. Many things were leading to it and we tasted it to the full probably. Something that was initially not possible, and then became possible, and at the end a good memory.

First time in my life I forgot to bring my bible with me. That probably shows the state of my mind when preparing for the trip. It is a big thing for me to forget bringing the Bible. Everywhere I go, I always remember to bring my bible. Even when I was late for my flight, and I could only bring one thing with me, I chose to bring my Bible.

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God chose the weak

Last week was a special week for me. We had school break & Easter week holiday, and we spent 3 days attending Belgrave Height Easter convention. What I am amazed at was the magnitude of power in women that I encounter.

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What new with you?

I remember once with my girls we read about other’s culture, and there’s one African / Asian culture that instead asking,”how are you?”, they would ask,”what is new with you?” My bad memory…:(

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