Game blow out lesson

It’s quite interesting :]
I was really frustrated yesterday and this morning.
Things didn’t work as i want and expect.
When reality doesnt meet expectation, comes disappointment
and frustration (chris’ law)

And this afternoon, the turning point game from a Xbox game…
I was frustrated that just on the Xbox and played though i told myself before that it’s a waste of time!
I guessed i really enjoyed the game. Able to upgrade my troops till very solid. Equip with strong weapons…=) And ready for battles
In fact with a strong army and “leadership” i was enjoying the game and thought of winning the mission very well.

Only at last i found “mission failed” because the time was run out!!
What a major blow to the “general”

Perhaps what happened in the game reflected what happened in real life.
I was focusing on myself and capabilities. Taking things in my own hands. Do all things i can to achieve the target. And forget the most essential, Proverbs 3 : 5 – 6 :

“Trust in the LORD with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will make your paths straight”

That means to trust God with all not half of my heart.
Let him have all the matters.
Rest on his knowledge. And commit all my plans unto him.
I have done my best, and time to ask him to bless and bring things out to completion. Basically to do my part and leave God for the rest. While initially i do everything and leave God no room for anything. Either i’m too caught up, or i am too confident and pride took me up

Thank God only a game blown up. Indeed only a game, not real fight and live 😀

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