On Calling (2)

This afternoon, as I read and reply a friend’s email, suddenly i got a glimpse of what a Calling means.

This friend of mine wrote a very encouraging email about our faithfulness in serving the Lord in a specific ministry. And looking back for the reason of me staying for so long, I told him it’s simply this “burden” that the Lord has put in my heart. And I simply can not do another way. It’s not that I never give up, or a faithful person…I got discouraged, sad, and thought of giving up many times…

But it is just that everytime I was about to throw the towel, this burden simply stayed there. And for one reason or another, God himself had always “surprised” me at that moments, such that I would end up continuing instead of quitting.

So it’s very obvious to me, it’s simply not my passion, or my strength, or my vision, or anything within me that keep me. But it’s the Lord who has kept me for His purpose. So on the subject of “calling”, it’s actually bigger than ourselves. Only by God’s sustaining grace if we ever fulfill His calling.

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