I consider my life worth nothing

It’s the words from Apostle Paul…

Attended thanksgiving dinner for 1 year labor in children church,
Was assigned to teach P5 and P6 next year …
And probably few sermons also …

At first i thought it’s going to be another year of service
Another year of learning
And another year of growing

Never expect to get something more
Something beyond what i can do
Beyond what i think i’m capable of

Till a thought came after me,
This few lines from a song “Servant of the Gospel”
That says : “refuge in His mercy,
marvel at His love”

Since when that a ministry is ever be easy
since when that i’m expert in it
since when that i know how to
since whan that i say i can do it?

For in weakness that God’s power is made perfect
in my weaknesses that God is glorified most
if i know all, there’s no need of God
if i can do all, no room for God works

it’s not time to teach me how to
it’s not time to train me to be an expert
it’s not time for developing my skills

but it’s time for me,
to be humble
to 100% dependable
and trust Him
to see Him works
to be faithful in my prayers
to persevere in tough times
and trust Him still

it’s been a long walk
yet it’s still early in the morning
there’re more to go
so don’t be small hearted

the talk with Joel few days ago
and meditation on Paul’s letter
it becomes making more sense to me

i consider my life worth nothing,
if only i may finish the race
and complete the task
the Lord Jesus has given me

the task of testifying
to the gospel
of God’s grace

that i consider all rubish
for the sake of knowing Christ
to be found in Him
having righteousness not on my own
O, that i may know Him
and the power of His resurecction,
sharing in His suffering
becoming like Him in His death
and somehow to attain
to the resurecction of the dead

when life worths nothing
except God and His kingdom,
that’s the most blessed life
because He is

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