Birthday revisited

Hehehe, bcs rik requested, i wrote it here,
It’s good, somehow i write better here than on paper
It’s not a detail account however,
A brief and general one,
A one glance of my 25th birthday

First of all, i thank God for who He is
Because of He is who He is, that i am what i am today
Looking back, this year was the most difficult year in my personal life
I dealt with what living in a real world means
I tasted man’s wickedness and plots
And the Lord delivered me from that all


Currently looking for job, and through this experience i learnt at least 2 things.
1) God knows best what’s best. In my understanding, the fastest and soonest i get a job, the better it would be. However, it’s not the best. Through this waiting period, God used to clear out my life. Yes, He really cleared it out. Without such period of time where i’m being free and open, such cleaning process can’t take place.
2) I thought of issues which otherwise i will have no time to think it through. Ministries is one thing. It’s time to sharpen me, to mold me, and to form me for the next phase.

For this, i thank you every friends of mine, near and far. They provided help, support, and things which otherwise i won’t find and have in this world. As iron sharpens iron, so man sharpens one another (Proverbs).

So first thing first, i prayed for job. I trusted in Thee, and I shall not be put in shame. My deliverance will come from the Lord. Those are words from Psalms…
Too many encouragements in this area that i’ve been receiving that it’s impossible to write them here…

Second, i prayed for my PR status… i mean personal relationship with that, not permanent residence …:D
It’s the most strange year as well. May i found favor from the Lord.

Third, i prayed for my ministries for next year. Haven’t fully decided, but currently i know that i would very much going to Children Church / Sunday School ministry again and the Cancer Support Ministry. Hmmm…i can’t elaborate them here, also other things…. It’s too overwhelming. But yah….the dormant period had helped me to see things clearer and better. Hopefully i will stay focus for the whole year.


And last remark, this 25 years marks the 1st phase of my life. The 2nd phase is built on this foundation. May the Lord bring into abundance the 2nd phase of my life. I don’t know what i may become when i turn 50, but i would like to see God’s hands working in and through me. Whatever, wherever, whoever, i will remain His clay.

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